Friday, April 29, 2011

It's my turn...

I figured it was about time that I posted something on our blog. Jaime and Brittany have done such a good job describing our personalities that I'm not sure what to add, but I'll give it a shot anyway:)

Brittany is the crazy one of the group! She definitely lives life to it's fullest and enjoys every minute of it. Brittany is extremely smart and can study two hours for a test that most people would spend weeks preparing for. She has an insane sleeping schedule. There were many nights I would come home from work and begin getting ready for bed only to find Brittany just waking up for the day. She loves creating new recipes and is always a good listener.

Jaime is subdued and has a really sweet spirit. She loves children and is an excellent babysitter. Jaime and I are similar in the fact that we both tend to overwork ourselves and just can't say "no." Thankfully Brittany was usually there to encourage us to stop and smell the flowers. Jaime loves antiques and lives in a really cute (and tiny) country house.

Me...well I love babies, antiques, photography, costa sunglasses, and spending time with my wonderful husband. I have a crazy cat named Otto that loves water and a goofy dog named Copper that chews up everything in site. I work at a pregnancy center during the week and deckhand on a dolphin cruise boat on the weekends. I love living at the beach, but I sure miss my Birmingham friends!

I can't wait see what God has in store for our friendship in the future! I'm really excited about hearing crazy stories and trying new recipes through this blog.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My First Post!

Jaime, I agree with everything you said! God definitely blessed me with you two:) True friends for me are the kind where you can go a year without seeing each other, but when you do, it’s just like it was yesterday. You just pick up where you left off because you know you don’t have to explain yourself or prove anything….these are the rare friends that GET you. The friends that you can just chill out on the front porch with shucking peas (Becca, that was for you lol), or bare your soul to (which for me I NEVER do except w/ ya’ll), or just sit in a comfortable silence. Whenever I’m around ya’ll it’s like coming home in an odd way.

So according to Jaime, I should start off by describing ourselves. Welll…..

Becca- Classy. Sophisticated. Strong. This girl is literally a cross between Audrey & Martha (well, post-incarceration) and prob one of the most (genuinely) nice people I know. She has this quiet strength about her that I’ve always admired. She’s also always been a role model for me on how I want to live my daily life for God. She’s never stopped putting Him first. And it shows. I’m happy for her b/c she finally got her “mountain man”;) Though poor Corey will always have to compete w/ cats for Becca’s attention haha.

Jaime- Heartfelt. Eclectic. Talented. Jaime has this amazing ability to be completely vulnerable with you just by being herself. I think it’s b/c of this that she’s the ONE person I feel completely okay baring my heart to. This kinda says a lot b/c I’m not the type of person to share my feelings. Jaime taught me that it’s okay to be “emotional” every now and then;) She just kinda does her own thing and is always REALLY good at whatever she does. She has so much talent and doesn’t even realize how awesome she is sometimes.

Me- Spontaneous. Persistent. Adventurous. It’s kinda hard when you have to describe yourself, but I guess I am the craziest one out of all us lol. Not b/c I AM crazy, but b/c I always end up doing crazy things haha;) I’m mostly chill, but I do love doing new things and meeting new people. I like to laugh. A lot. I’ve been told by many people I’m a very happy person. I guess I just enjoy my life lol. And the people in it:)

I’ve never done a blog before. I really hope we keep this one going! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m kinda like wayyyy into desserts. So….(surprise, surprise) the majority of my posts might end up being all about food haha. I’ll try to post other stuff, though!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Beginnings....

It's almost spring and I could not be more ready for warm weather, green grass, and the sound of my neighbors' little girl playing in the yard.  This winter as been very cold, and very long. (in more ways than one!)  So, with spring approaching, it got me to thinking.... It's about time to start this blog! We came up with the idea in January and have yet to put it into I'm taking the first step: 

Rebecca, Brittany, any myself were roommates in college.  How we met was no accident, God had a plan.  How we came to be roommates was no accident either, God still had a plan.  Over the past few years it's been nice to have friends that understand you and know you on a level different from any other relationship.  For me they are like sisters, but better.  Let me explain.  You don't get to choose your family, but because we're not related we choose to be friends.  The cool part for me is that they have that choice and with all the messes I've been in, they still choose to be there for me.  

So, a little about each of us-from my prospective... I'm sure they'll each give you the same run down in their own versions as well. **At least I hope they will**

Rebecca is a newly wed and a career woman.  She is married to a wonderful guy named Corey.  While I am sad to say that I did not get to know Corey as well as Brittany did, I know that Corey makes Rebecca so very happy and could not be more perfect for her.  She works for a pregnancy crisis center in her home town and she really makes a difference everyday!

Brittany is finishing up her last few classes and she will be a RN.  I'm so proud of her!! She's had some major bumps along the way, but her ability to remain focused astounds me.  She's also the craziest one of the bunch!

Me...well I'm just me.  I'm back in school.  I could have already gotten a masters if I would have followed my dad's advice, instead I will be receiving my associates in May.  I am taking time off from the "real world" in order to try and push myself to complete my schooling.  For now I am a nanny, and I LOVE my job!

We came up with the idea for this blog as a way for us to stay in touch.  We plan on sharing recipes, neat tricks, as well as stories and pictures through this blog.  

Now you know a little bit about us and why we are here, why not tell us a little bit about you and what brought you to our blog? 
